One day I was listening to the AM radio. I heard a song: "Oh, I Long to See My Mother in the Doorway." By God! I said, I understand that song. I have often longed to see my mother in the doorway. As a matter of fact, she did stand frequently in various doorways looking at me. She stood one day, just so, at the front door, the darkness of the hallway behind her. It was New Year's Day. She said sadly, If you come home at 4 a.m. when you're seventeen, what time will you come home when you're twenty? She asked this question without humor or meanness. She had begun her worried preparations for death. She would not be present, she thought, when I was twenty. So she wondered.
Another time she stood in the doorway of my room. I had just issued a political manifesto attacking the family's position on the Soviet Union. She said, Go to sleep for godsakes, you damn fool, you and your Communist ideas. We saw them already, Papa and me, in 1905. We guessed it all.
At the door of the kitchen she said, You never finish your lunch. You run around senselessly. What will become of you?
Then she died.
Naturally for the rest of my life I longed to see her, not only in doorways, in a great number of places—in the dining room with my aunts, at the window looking up and down the block, in the country garden among zinnias and marigolds, in the living room with my father.
They sat in comfortable leather chairs. They were listening to Mozart. They looked at one another amazed. It seemed to them that they'd just come over on the boat. They'd just learned the first English words. It seemed to them that he had just proudly handed in a 100 percent correct exam to the American anatomy professor. It seemed as though shed just quit the shop for the kitchen.
I wish I could see her in the doorway of the living room.
She stood there a minute. Then she sat beside him. They owned an expensive record player. They were listening to Bach. She said to him, Talk to me a little. We don't talk so much anymore.
I'm tired, he said. Can't you see? I saw maybe thirty people today. All sick, all talk talk talk talk. Listen to the music, he said. I believe you once had perfect pitch. I'm tired, he said.
Then she died.
I love this story. Paley packed so much in so little space, and extremely elegantly.
This is written the way I love to read. I don't want every tiny visual detail and every sigh and every arch of the eyebrow. That's one of the beauties of the short story. Less is more and all that.
I completely agree with both comments. There is also the element of layering in that, with each read, something more is revealed, despite the brevity of the piece.
I agree with danielle that this story has so much packed "in so little space". I also enjoy this sudden fiction story because it has a deep meaning to it.
I love this story and I LOVE this website. Thank you for it.
Is this modernist,postmodernist or existentialist?
For future grade 12 English ILC students reading this and wondering whether it is postmodernist, modernist, or existentialist, I'm pretty sure it is modernist because of all the imagism. Also, should remind you of the short story "The Garden Party". You're welcome.
I would argue that this is Existentialist, because of the narrators inability to accept the death of her mother. Sometimes something can be part of a movement when it displays the effects of not understanding that movement. "imagism?" - I think you mean imagery - is not a strong enough reason for this to be modernist.
This story is so true but sad at the same time. It really is a good story.
I don't think this shows existentialism because the narrator is unable to accept her mother's death. I think she does accept her death but she longs to see her mother again, a normal feeling over the passing of a loved one. I think the narrator is merely reflecting on her mother's life to remember her because her mother now only exists in her mind. Existentialist belief according to http://www.philosophybasics.com/branch_existentialism.html
is that " Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom, and choice. It is the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe. It focuses on the question of human existence and the feeling that there is no purpose or explanation at the core of existence. It holds that, as there is no God or any other transcendent force, the only way to counter this nothingness (and hence to find meaning in life) is by embracing existence." Her mother died, there is no rationale to explain it. however, she still longs for her mother as anyone would.
the line "At the door of the kitchen she said, You never finish your lunch. You run around senselessly. What will become of you?
Then she died. "
The narrator is remembering her mother and the choices she made in life and who she was as a person. Furthermore that you can't take life for granted. When the narrator's father had a chance to spend time talking with his wife, he refused, stating "'I'm tired' and then she died". these quotes prove the point that everyone shapes their lives the way they want, by the things we choose to focus on and spend time doing. And that, in a moment someone can cease to exist, which is a very baffling occurrence.
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I have just read something amazing. I'm speechless. Thank you, Grace Paley!
Oh, I have taken those doorways for granted. If only, I could go back in time. Thank you for Grace Paley story.
Where is the summary
write the summary your self :)
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